Annual Report 2017-2018

Annual Report Summary 2017-2018

Year after year, after year, after year…?

  • 111 Tons of Food & Personal Care Products Distributed
  • 21 Tons Fresh Produce Distributed
  • 4,715 Client Visits
  • 6,260 Volunteer Hours
  • 20K Pounds from Faith Community Food Drives
  • $63K of Grant Support

What has kept LFR going strong into its 27th year? Dedication!! The dedication of our volunteers, donors, neighbors, faith communities and all those who uphold the mission of Loving Food Resources.

The dedication of our volunteers, the love, compassion and respect everyone here gives to each other and our clients. The dedication of our donors through their continuing and generous support year after year. Our surrounding neighbors who show up when needed and the faith communities that have supported us through the years are paramount to our continuing success. While we rent our buildings from Kenilworth Presbyterian Church, they uphold us in many immeasurable ways.

What has all this achieved? We distributed a historical high of 111 tons of food. Our food boxes have gone out to 18 counties in Western North Carolina with 58K pounds of the total delivered through our Outreach Program.

LFR hired Anna Finley, long time supporter and volunteer, as Pantry Coordinator to better serve the needs of the pantry and its clients. This has enhanced the smooth and successful operation of the pantry.

We have been awarded a 30K grant from the Cannon Foundation and this will allow LFR to proceed with upgrading the electrical system and add an automatic backup generator that will further protect our food supply and building.

We continue to work with students from Warren Wilson College as they volunteer in the pantry on Saturdays during the year. They bring us new and exciting concepts of resolving food insecurities and youthful hope for a bright future.

The Affair in White Fundraiser has grown into a celebrated evening and continues to attract a large community of event goers. Marketing Campaign students of Western Carolina University have created a new spring fundraiser to be held in March 2019 and it will be a Western style family fun oriented “Wild West Roundup.”

While it is important to continue to expand our Outreach Program into the far regions of WNC we will continue to maintain and stabilize our current operation in a fiscally sound and proactive manner. We look forward to further developing relationships with individual partnerships, business leaders and business sponsors throughout all the areas we serve.

Loving Food Resources is a place of loving stories. Please keep in mind that stories abound which cannot be properly told in budgets, miles, hours and other figures. Behind all the numbers are people. People experiencing need and people giving to fill those needs as best they can. That is why we are Loving Food Resources, not simply a food pantry.

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